Marketing/PR Translation & Transcreation
We turn your marketing copy into readable, compelling Czech: brochures, flyers, catalogs, press releases, social media content, landing pages, or entire websites. Your readers won’t have to contend with cringe-worthy phrasing, questionable terminology or embarrassing errors. We also provide transcreation or copywriting services to perfectly adapt your ads to your target audience.
Technical and
IT Translation
We give you a clear and accurate translation of your technical documents. We have a particular soft spot for mechanical and electrical engineering, industrial automation & automotive. Keeping up to date with the latest trends in the IT industry means that this sector is right up our alley and terms like “big data”, “SEO” and “UX” don’t exactly set our knees to knocking.
Software, App & Website Localization
We have plenty of experience in IT and a basic knowledge of programming and software development, so we can translate applications, both small and large, for a result that is technically accurate and user-friendly. We respect the OS-specific terminology (desktop or mobile) as well as your style guide. We’re also happy to translate SAP applications directly in SE63. SAPterm? Absolutely!
Two's a Team
We at Tatransky Translations are a team of two experienced translators and copywriters. The fact that we are able to sit at one desk and brainstorm during the whole translation and review process provides us with a competitive edge which geographically distributed teams can hardly beat. The result is a carefully crafted and well-written copy that does not read as a translation.

Karel Tatransky
Karel started his career in translation in 1998, working as an in-house translator in a boutique translation agency. In 2002, he felt that he needed a break from the language industry and had a brief affair with IT as a network administrator at a medium-sized manufacturer in the automotive industry, gaining valuable IT & SAP skills as well as insights into automotive manufacturing. After less than two years, he found that he prefers creative work with languages and started to freelance full-time at the end of 2003. In addition to marketing translation and transcreation, Karel also specializes in mechanical & electrical engineering and automotive translation.

Lucie Tatransky
Lucie’s career path started in a renowned law firm, moving up from front desk receptionist over legal secretary to personal assistant to one of the managing partners. Being a creative personality with exceptional organizing and communication skills, she accepted a position as account manager in an advertising agency specializing in BTL campaigns, managing high-profile national and international campaigns for famous brands such as SAB Miller or Unilever. After five years in the advertising industry, she pursued business studies in the US and, after returning back to Czech Republic, she joined Tatransky Translations, specializing in transcreation and software localization.
We work with dozens of direct clients and agencies. Our client base includes small and medium-sized engineering companies and automotive suppliers, high-profile online services, application developers as well as leading LSPs.
This is what they have to say about our services.
Superlative work – that’s it. Karel saved me a lot of time. It has been a pleasure to work him with. I would never consider to work with somebody else.
I have the pleasure to work with Lucie and Karel on regular basis. They are great professionals, always knowledgeable, supportive, and attentive. I look forward to collaborating with them again in the future.
For most people who are in need of really good translators it is hard to find one who not only masters their languages and fields of specialization, but also has a good approach regarding business relations and project handling.
Lucie and Karel are definitely someone you’ll want to work if you’re looking for skilled, sympathetic, and reasonable business partners for your Czech communications.
Karel is translating technical documents for Viscom AG since 2011. He translates instruction and transport manuals, warning labels, and software user interface from German to Czech. He always delivers on time and we are very satisfied with his work.
We’ve been working with Lucie and Karel for several years already and they constantly deliver quality translations on time or way ahead of deadlines.
Very responsive and quick, Lucie and Karel are a great asset for our Czech localization team and always a pleasure to deal with.
Karel Tatransky has been part of our regular freelance team for several years now. He is an excellent, experienced translator, absolutely reliable and a pleasure to work with.
During my time as translation manager, Karel Tatransky was a most reliable vendor with a profound knowledge of technical translation and CAT tools.
He is also a kind person and it’s nice to work with him.
Lucie and Karel are an excellent addition to our team. They are prompt to respond, pay great attention to detail and provide high-quality work. They are a true pleasure to do business with.
Lucie and Karel are qualified professionals who could be trusted with any task, no matter how difficult or urgent. Always responsible, contactable and helpful. Never had any, even the smallest, problem or misunderstanding. Would recommend Lucie and Karel to anyone who requires qualified and trustful translators!
Ich beauftrage Karel Tatransky bereits seit mehreren Jahren mit technischen Fachübersetzungen.
Die gelieferte Qualität ist hervorragend. Alle Lieferungen waren stets überpünktlich und der Preis stimmt in jedem Fall! Ich kann mich glücklich schätzen, einen so zuverlässigen Kollegen zu haben und werde ihn sicher auch in Zukunft mit anstehenden Übersetzungen beauftragen.
We confirm that we deal with Mr Karel Tatransky since December 2006. During this time he has provided our business on a regular basis with excellent support in the area of translations (German-Czech and vice versa) for all sorts of business documents, due diligence and M&A transaction documents as well as documents for marketing purposes.
His work is at all times of high quality, the delivery is always absolutely on time and the communication is very pro-active.
We can confidently recommend Mr. Karel Tatransky as a solid, reliable translator, and expert in his field.
Karel Tatransky tätigt für uns seit Januar 2012 Übersetzungen in den Fachgebieten Technik, Automotive, Marketing und Recht aus dem Deutschen und Englischen ins Tschechische. Herr Tatransky arbeitet dabei täglich mit den Übersetzungstools Trados Studio und Across. Wir können ihm sehr gute Kenntnisse im Umgang mit diesen Tools bestätigen.
Mit der Bearbeitung und der Qualität seiner Arbeit sind wir stets außerordentlich zufrieden. Herr Tatransky bildet sich stetig in den Bereichen Übersetzungstechnologie fort, was sich vor allem auf die reibungslose Zusammenarbeit sehr positiv auswirkt. Liefertermine werden von Herrn Tatransky immer eingehalten.
I have got to know Karel as a reliable and highly professional translator (technical texts from German to Czech and English to Czech) who not only provided high quality translations but also was very sympathetic and easy-going to work with. I can highly recommend his services as a translator.
Working with Karel Tatranský is always a pleasure. I recommend him for his reliable services, good quality and great communication.
Herr Tatransky ist schon seit 2011 als tschechischer Übersetzer für unsere Übersetzungsagentur tätig. Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit seinen Übersetzungen, daher gehört er zu unserem Stammübersetzerteam.
lnsgesamt zeichnet sich Herr Tatransky durch eine hohe Professionalität sowie ein hervorragendes technisches Verständnis aus. Auftragstermine werden umgehend bestätigt und flexibel auf unsere Kundenbedürfnisse angepasst. Die beauftragten Übersetzungen werden trotz des oft hohen zeitlichen Drucks stets termingerecht und terminologisch einwandfrei geliefert. Neben dieser Zuverlässigkeit zeichnet er sich auch durch seine Erreichbarkeit sowie die Art der Auftragsabwicklung aus.
Wir sind froh, mit Herrn Tatransky einen so erfahrenen und kompetenten Übersetzer gefunden zu haben!